Tag: Smartphone

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality vs 360 Videos

    Infographic – Virtual Reality vs 360 Videos

    As of recently, there has been a spike in the use and publication of 360 videos. Although both 360 videos and Virtual Reality have the user in a 360 degree environment, there are many difference between the two. With the use of a VR Headset, the user becomes fully immersed in a digital environment; where…

  • Infographic – Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

    Infographic – Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

    Virtual Reality is projected to be a $30 billion industry by 2020; Augmented Reality, on the other hand, is expected to reach $90 billion in revenue. These new technologies are similar, but people may be wondering about why AR has such a larger project revenue. This gap is largely attributed to AR’s use in everyday life—with…

  • Augmented Reality’s Success in Marketing

    Augmented Reality’s Success in Marketing

    Augmented Reality enhances one’s real world perspective, different than Virtual Reality which immerses the user in a completely different realm. AR can overlay text onto store items and tourist attractions, which provides added insights about the product or attraction at hand. AR is a highly valuable resource for marketers; it allows consumers to interact in…

  • All About the Samsung Gear VR

    All About the Samsung Gear VR

    The Samsung Gear VR made its debut in the fall of 2015 and has been making waves ever since. This device is compatible with newer versions of the Samsung Galaxy smartphones. Technology incorporated into this devices offers a wide field of view (96 degrees) and minimizes motion sickness at the same time with its use…

  • Infographic – What You May Not Have Known About Augmented Reality

    Infographic – What You May Not Have Known About Augmented Reality

    Augmented Reality (AR) is easily accessible for anyone who owns a computer with a webcam, camera phone, or game console with a camera. Currently, AR is making strides in industries including architecture, marketing, healthcare, military, retail, and tourism. AR enhances the shopping experience by assisting customers finding items in the store, displaying product reviews, and…

  • Samsung Gear VR: Unboxing and Initial Impressions

    Samsung Gear VR: Unboxing and Initial Impressions

    December 30th 2015, the day had finally arrived; I had just received a Samsung Galaxy S6 for Christmas; one of four phones compatible with the Samsung Gear, the other three phones being: Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 edge, and Galaxy S6 edge+. Eager to try out this new and exciting technology the first thing I…

  • Virtual Reality for Kids – Mattel launches View-Master VR  Headset Powered by Google Cardboard

    Virtual Reality for Kids – Mattel launches View-Master VR Headset Powered by Google Cardboard

    Tech Savvy Researcher – VR Insights Edition Long gone are the days of the familiar click as you changed the slide in your shiny red View-Master, exploring the 3D worlds of your favorite book, movie, or place. With ever expanding and changing technology, the View-Master’s once futuristic and innovative design is now just an outdated…