Category: infographic

  • VR and Consumer Sentiment

    VR and Consumer Sentiment

    Advertising and marketing professionals looking to associate their brand with the excitement and promise of new technologies are going to want to take note of a comprehensive Virtual Reality Consumer Sentiment Survey of over 2,000 consumers that was recently conducted by Touchstone Research and Greenlight VR. When those who had experienced virtual reality (22% of…

  • The VR (Virtual Reality) Consumer Sentiment Report – Infographic

    The VR (Virtual Reality) Consumer Sentiment Report – Infographic

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, November 11th, 2015 – Virtual reality has been somewhat of an intriguing fantasy for a while now; and while the technology has been available for a number of years, it’s only recently that big strides are being made in virtual reality. These technological advances seem to have overcome the problems that have…

  • Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    VR has been around for many years but, disappointingly, has failed to live up to its own expectations.  With new groundbreaking, non-nausea-inducing devices and amazing immersive software starting to be developed, VR’s moment for consumer products may finally have arrived.  Major VR companies are preparing to launch VR headsets that make VR real for the…

  • Tech Savvy Kids Talk About Space Exploration Interest in Apollo 11 App

    Tech Savvy Kids Talk About Space Exploration Interest in Apollo 11 App

    NEW YORK, August 5, 2013 /Touchstone Research/ – Kids today labor under the stereotype that they are preoccupied with video and online gaming, mired in digital routines to the exclusion of real-world exploration and imagination. A recent study by Kid Bunch and Touchstone Research, Inc. however, shows that today’s youngsters still dream of exploring the…

  • iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    Not since Charlton Heston came down from the mountain with his infamous biblical two have tablets been so popular. But interestingly enough, a significant portion of that popularity is owed to a demographic that would not get that reference – kids. Kids are as passionate about their tablet devices as any of their grown-up counterparts.…

  • Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid

    Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid

    Here is an awesome youth online research study we conducted with Doughmain, a free financial education and family organization platform.  The topic of the study was “Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid”. Check out the press release and infographic below. Source: Princeton, NY (Business Wire) One of the most frequently discussed topics among…