Tag: 360 Video

  • Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality has breathed new life into marketing opportunities. At a time when it’s harder than ever to capture users’ attention, VR gives brands the ability to create truly immersive experiences. It’s no wonder that VR has been named one of the top trends that will affect digital marketing in 2017 with over 90 million…

  • Infographic: Opportunities for Brands with Immersive Technologies

    Infographic: Opportunities for Brands with Immersive Technologies

    Immersive technology refers to technology that blurs the line between the physical world and the digital or simulated world, thereby creating a sense of immersion. This includes using hardware to simulate one or more of the five senses to create perceptually-real sensations. (I.e. From using VR headsets for visuals to implementing artificial smells and tastes.)…

  • Infographic – The Future of VR and Marketing

    Infographic – The Future of VR and Marketing

    While VR devices have been around since the 1990s, it wasn’t until 2012 when the Oculus Rift was introduced was when the potentials of VR came to the forefront. Since then, the technology has grown more present across a variety of industries and will continue to do so. Virtual Reality has a bright future specifically…

  • 360 View of Virtual Reality

    360 View of Virtual Reality

    Virtual reality has been all around us since the first panoramic paintings in 12th Century China. Today we can see it used in virtual and augmented reality apps like Pokémon Go, which allows players to catch digital monsters in real settings. According to this infographic created by Couponbox.com, we have a lot of innovative and…

  • 360 Video versus Virtual Reality

    360 Video versus Virtual Reality

    360 video are a new feature that more and more companies are beginning to implement. While similar to Virtual Reality, there are still many key differences which set the two technologies apart. 360 videos allow users to view an experience in a 360 degree environment; and though its immersive, users are not able to move around…

  • All About Virtual Reality

    All About Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality is a completely artificial 3D environment that fully immerses the user.  VR has made strides not only in the entertainment industry, but in education, health care, real estate, eCommerce, tourism, military, law enforcement, and advertising as well. There are many advantages to using Virtual Reality in the business realm. It personalizes customer engagement,…

  • Infographic – The Future of VR

    Infographic – The Future of VR

    Typically, when we think of Virtual Reality, entertainment is the first thing to come to mind—being able to play games, watch videos, and more on a VR device. However VR expands further than that; there are currently apps on the market that allow users to watch live sporting events or concerts in virtual reality, as if…

  • The 9 Healthcare Companies Making Innovations in Virtual Reality

    The 9 Healthcare Companies Making Innovations in Virtual Reality

    [vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″ shape_divider_position=”bottom”][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid”][vc_column_text] We’re all aware that the potential applications of Virtual Reality span far beyond the world of gaming. There are potential applications in entertainment, sports, business and even in healthcare. Healthcare is one industry in particular that…

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality vs 360 Videos

    Infographic – Virtual Reality vs 360 Videos

    As of recently, there has been a spike in the use and publication of 360 videos. Although both 360 videos and Virtual Reality have the user in a 360 degree environment, there are many difference between the two. With the use of a VR Headset, the user becomes fully immersed in a digital environment; where…

  • The 6 Companies Who Are Working to Bring Sports to a VR Headset Near You

    No one can deny the global popularity of sports; whatever nation you find yourself in is guaranteed to have teams competing in some sport and fans who will consistently tune in to watch them. Virtual Reality has been making a lot of waves with all the recent developments it’s seen; but what your average consumer…