Data Quality

Setting the Standard in Data Quality

Multi-Layered Approach:

There is no silver bullet solution in the Data Quality equation. Our multi-layered approach includes a
comprehensive suite of automated and manual checks to ensure we are casting a wide net and
maximizing our detection efficacy.

Human-Centered Project Design:

High-quality data begins with a respondent-friendly research design.

Touchstone understands the importance of the respondent experience and ensures that all of our projects are designed to be engaging and respondent friendly.  By valuing respondents and enhancing their experience, we secure valuable, high-quality feedback.

Best-in-Class Tools:

Touchstone partners with industry leading quality tools like Research Defender, Sentry by CloudResearch, Imperium, and Xverify to add additional quality protections to our research projects.

Certified Data Quality:

Touchstone’s numerous quality certifications reflect our unwavering commitment to achieving the highest quality standards possible in all of our research projects.

Our Commitment to Data Quality:

Touchstone is a member of the Insights Association’s Council for Data Integrity (CDI).  As a member of the CDI council, Touchstone has taken the Data Integrity Pledge to stay informed, engaged, and committed to ensuring our data meets the highest quality standards.

Touchstone’s Security Officer serves as board member for the Certification Institute for Research Quality (CIRQ). CIRQ, a subsidiary of the Insights Association, is an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) audit and certification body that certifies to ISO27001 (international standards to manage information security) and ISO20252 (market, opinion, and social research standards)

Touchstone maintains an internal Quality Control Team which meets on a weekly basis to audit our current data-quality systems to ensure we stay on the leading edge.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

  • With the knowledge gained in our user research efforts with Touchstone, we have been empowered to make more data informed decisions about our product by keeping user behavior and motivation at the forefront of our work. Along with being flexible in our partnership model, Touchstone has supported this effort by offering a dedicated team that continues to learn about our unique product and business needs and provides quick turnaround for recruitment, facilitation, and topline reports.

    Senior Digital Product Manager

    Ed-Tech Company

  • Touchstone Research has been an invaluable partner in our product design process, helping us reach a hard-to-reach population (K-12) students, and upholding the highest standards around safety and accessibility for participants. … Having worked with other research panels in the past, Touchstone has the best customer service, and panel quality. We plan to keep working together for the foreseeable future!

    UX Researcher

    Ed-Tech Company

  • My team has collaborated on a number of quantitative projects, and Touchstone has consistently delivered high-quality analysis and maintained excellent communication throughout the project. Their insights have directly contributed to shaping our team’s strategy and we plan to continue working with them in the future.

    UX Researcher

    Music & Video Streaming Company

Trusted by Top Global Brands

Columbia University
Nice Pak
Sirius XM
Pluto TV
Go Health
Good to Grow
The wonderful company
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Great Minds
Harvard University
Sesame Workshop
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