Tag: Mobile

  • Augmented Reality Enters the Fashion World

    Augmented Reality Enters the Fashion World

    Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.On the spectrum between virtual reality, which creates immersive, computer-generated environments, and the real world, augmented reality is closer to the real world. …

  • Infographic – The History and Future of Augmented Reality

    Infographic – The History and Future of Augmented Reality

    Unlike Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality does not immerse its user into a new environment; it enhances one’s reality by overlaying digital information onto things being viewed on a digital device. Though AR is rising in popularity in 2016, variations of it have been around since 1957 with Mortin Helig’s Sensorama machine as one such example.…

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality vs 360 Videos

    Infographic – Virtual Reality vs 360 Videos

    As of recently, there has been a spike in the use and publication of 360 videos. Although both 360 videos and Virtual Reality have the user in a 360 degree environment, there are many difference between the two. With the use of a VR Headset, the user becomes fully immersed in a digital environment; where…

  • Infographic: History of Augmented Reality

    Infographic: History of Augmented Reality

    Though there has not been much discussion of Augmented Reality until recently, AR has actually been around since 1968; which is when the first head-mounted display was developed. Since then, advances in technology have allowed AR to be implemented in a variety of industries; such as the Air Force in 1992, which allowed military personnel…

  • Touchstone VR – Consumer Insights for the Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Industry

    Touchstone Research launches new Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality Consumer Insights division to serve the VR industry BRANFORD, CT – Thursday February 11, 2016   Today Touchstone Research is announcing their newest division, Touchstone VR, which is Touchstone Research’s consumer insights division for all things Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Touchstone VR is the new…

  • VR and Consumer Sentiment

    VR and Consumer Sentiment

    Advertising and marketing professionals looking to associate their brand with the excitement and promise of new technologies are going to want to take note of a comprehensive Virtual Reality Consumer Sentiment Survey of over 2,000 consumers that was recently conducted by Touchstone Research and Greenlight VR. When those who had experienced virtual reality (22% of…

  • This week in cool VR apps – Oculus Social Alpha for Samsung Gear

    This week in cool VR apps – Oculus Social Alpha for Samsung Gear

    One of the great things about the Samsung Gear VR, and there are many, is the way it lets you experience all forms of media. Whether it’s through 360 photos, Oculus Videos, or even Netflix, the Samsung Gear is quickly becoming a one stop device for all your media needs; but they’re not stopping there.…

  • Samsung Gear VR: Unboxing and Initial Impressions

    Samsung Gear VR: Unboxing and Initial Impressions

    December 30th 2015, the day had finally arrived; I had just received a Samsung Galaxy S6 for Christmas; one of four phones compatible with the Samsung Gear, the other three phones being: Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 edge, and Galaxy S6 edge+. Eager to try out this new and exciting technology the first thing I…

  • The VR (Virtual Reality) Consumer Sentiment Report – Infographic

    The VR (Virtual Reality) Consumer Sentiment Report – Infographic

    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, November 11th, 2015 – Virtual reality has been somewhat of an intriguing fantasy for a while now; and while the technology has been available for a number of years, it’s only recently that big strides are being made in virtual reality. These technological advances seem to have overcome the problems that have…

  • The 2015 Virtual Reality (VR) Consumer Report

    The 2015 Virtual Reality (VR) Consumer Report

    EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE VR CONSUMERS IN ONE REPORT A 100-PAGE DATA-DRIVEN REPORT WITH EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD TO KNOW ABOUT THE VR CONSUMERS. New report provides insights into consumer expectations for virtual reality. SAN FRANCISCO, CA, August 19th, 2015 – Greenlight VR and Touchstone Research today unveiled the VR CONSUMER REPORT, a first-of-its…