Month: September 2012

  • Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: A Web All Our Own

    Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: A Web All Our Own

    Instagram and Pinterest Assist in Curating our Digital Selves “We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we’re going to live on the internet!” proclaims an overly enthusiastic, proficiently drugged-up Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker in the zeitgeist mega-production The Social Network. I found the sentiment quite poignant, didn’t you? But we…

  • iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    Not since Charlton Heston came down from the mountain with his infamous biblical two have tablets been so popular. But interestingly enough, a significant portion of that popularity is owed to a demographic that would not get that reference – kids. Kids are as passionate about their tablet devices as any of their grown-up counterparts.…