All Posts By

Kate Ridoux


Ensuring High Show Rates in Qualitative Market Research Sessions

By Consumer Insights, Market Research, Qualitative Fieldwork, Qualitative Recruitment, Qualitative Research, Uncategorized

Once participants have been screened and selected for a qualitative research study, you might think the job of a recruitment team is complete. The initial screening and selection, however, is only the first step in the detailed process of participant recruitment. The next, and perhaps most important step is ensuring that, come testing day, researchers are met with a high…

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Benefits of Tech Checks in Qualitative Research Sessions

Benefits of Tech Checks in Qualitative Research Sessions

By Consumer Insights, Market Research, Moderator, Qualitative Fieldwork, Qualitative Recruitment, Qualitative Research

In the world of virtual research, proper pre-session preparation is essential to running a successful qualitative research study. One of the best ways to set both researchers and research participants up for success is through pre-session technology checks, commonly known as “Tech Checks”. What are tech checks? Tech checks are 5–15-minute pre-session meetings between a researcher (or tech support staff)…

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