Tag: vr sports

  • The 6 Companies Who Are Working to Bring Sports to a VR Headset Near You

    No one can deny the global popularity of sports; whatever nation you find yourself in is guaranteed to have teams competing in some sport and fans who will consistently tune in to watch them. Virtual Reality has been making a lot of waves with all the recent developments it’s seen; but what your average consumer…

  • Infographic: The VR Industry Landscape

    Infographic: The VR Industry Landscape

    Many companies are working on innovations in Virtual Reality; and these companies are all attempting to make strides in very different and exciting places. Content in VR covers a wide range that includes location-based, sporting/live events, social networking, games, entertainment, enterprise, healthcare, and education. When creating new applications for VR technology, developers can choose from…

  • Infographic: Sectors Using Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Sectors Using Virtual Reality

    When people think of Virtual Reality, they often think of VR primarily as a platform for gaming. However VR can actually serve a myriad of purposes and is currently being utilized by several industries. City planning and architecture, are one such example. VR simplifies the act of envisioning what a new building would look like…