

Infographic – Virtual Reality in the Classroom

By Touchstone VR, VR Infographic One Comment

Virtual Reality can be used in a variety of industries, including tourism, retail, military, and education. Though it may seem that VR would naturally fit into a technology class, it may actually be a better fit in history and science classes. Implementing VR into the classroom can allow students to visit places that they would ordinarily never be able to…

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Infographic – Virtual Reality in the Classroom

By Touchstone VR, VR Infographic No Comments

As technology advances many schools and teachers are implementing more up-to-date technology into the classroom to aid in students’ learning. In fact 2 out of 3 teachers consider themselves to be “innovators” when it comes to adding technology into lessons. Teachers believe that Virtual Reality can have a large impact on how kids learn, with 85% feeling it would have…

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The Top 10 Companies Working on Education in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

By Touchstone VR, Virtual Reality 18 Comments

List updated on 9/16/2016 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are new technologies which have been making all kinds of waves recently; but VR and AR are not only going to be used for gaming, several companies are exploring applications for VR and AR to be used in education. Around 90% of what we see and do is retained, which is something…

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