Tag: infographic

  • Tech Savvy Kids Talk About Space Exploration Interest in Apollo 11 App

    Tech Savvy Kids Talk About Space Exploration Interest in Apollo 11 App

    NEW YORK, August 5, 2013 /Touchstone Research/ – Kids today labor under the stereotype that they are preoccupied with video and online gaming, mired in digital routines to the exclusion of real-world exploration and imagination. A recent study by Kid Bunch and Touchstone Research, Inc. however, shows that today’s youngsters still dream of exploring the…

  • iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    Not since Charlton Heston came down from the mountain with his infamous biblical two have tablets been so popular. But interestingly enough, a significant portion of that popularity is owed to a demographic that would not get that reference – kids. Kids are as passionate about their tablet devices as any of their grown-up counterparts.…

  • Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid

    Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid

    Here is an awesome youth online research study we conducted with Doughmain, a free financial education and family organization platform.  The topic of the study was “Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid”. Check out the press release and infographic below. Source: https://www.doughmain.com/wordpress Princeton, NY (Business Wire) One of the most frequently discussed topics among…