The Tech-Savvy Researcher Blog

Where Market Research and Cutting-Edge Technology Meet

  • Kids, Teens, and Social Media

    Here is the second part of a study we conducted with Nickelodeon & Insight Research Group that was featured in Nickeldeon’s Kaleidoscope in Kidscreen™ magazine. The topic of this study was “Kids, Teens, and Social…

  • Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: A Web All Our Own

    Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: A Web All Our Own

    Instagram and Pinterest Assist in Curating our Digital Selves “We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we’re going to live on the internet!” proclaims an overly enthusiastic, proficiently drugged-up Justin Timberlake…

  • iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation

    Not since Charlton Heston came down from the mountain with his infamous biblical two have tablets been so popular. But interestingly enough, a significant portion of that popularity is owed to a demographic that would…

  • Kids talk brands and advertising, part two

    Here is the second part of a study we conducted with Nickelodeon that was featured in Nickeldeon’s Kaleidoscope in Kidscreen™ magazine. The topic of this study was “Kids talk brands and advertising, part two”. Nickelodeon…

  • Kids talk brand and advertising; part one

    Here is the fist part of a study we conducted with Nickelodeon that was featured in Nickeldeon’s Kaleidoscope in Kidscreen™ magazine. The topic of this study was “Kids talk brands and advertising; part one”. Nickelodeon…

  • Kids & Teens Doing Their Part (pt 2)

    Here is the second part of a study we conducted with Nickelodeon that was featured in Nickeldeon’s Kaleidoscope in Kidscreen™ magazine. The topic of this study was “Kids & Teens Doing Their Part (pt 2)”.…

  • Nickelodeon Kaleidoscope: Kids & Teens Doing their part

    Here is a study we conducted with Nickelodeon that was featured in Nickeldeon’s Kaleidoscope in Kidscreen™ magazine. The topic of this study was kids and teens  “Doing their part”. Kids’ paths and roadblocks to making…

  • UPDATE: Facebook Want button likely to be supplemented by “Purchase” power

    Turns out facebook may be courting more than the user’s intention to buy – they likely want in on the actual purchase itself. Introducing, the “Purchased” button. Tom Waddington, the developer who found evidence for…

  • Facebook developing Like’s cousin, the Want Button

    Like this page if you want. Everyone’s favorite online button to push is about to get some competition. Rumors abound of a new facebook capability that will allow users to “Want” as easily as they “Like” through…

  • Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid

    Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid

    Here is an awesome youth online research study we conducted with Doughmain, a free financial education and family organization platform.  The topic of the study was “Chores & Allowance and the 21st Century Kid”. Check…