List updated on 9/16/2016 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are new technologies which have been making all kinds of waves recently; but VR and AR are not only going to be used for gaming, several companies are exploring applications for VR and AR to be used in education. Around 90% of what we see and do is retained, which is something…
Though there has not been much discussion of Augmented Reality until recently, AR has actually been around since 1968; which is when the first head-mounted display was developed. Since then, advances in technology have allowed AR to be implemented in a variety of industries; such as the Air Force in 1992, which allowed military personnel to virtually control and guide…
New VR devices are being released more often now than ever from widely known companies including Google, Samsung, Mattel, and more. Despite the recent surge in VR devices, nearly 60% of people are still not aware of Virtual Reality and only 8% of people have tried Virtual Reality. The majority of those who are aware of VR range in age from…
Many companies are working on innovations in Virtual Reality; and these companies are all attempting to make strides in very different and exciting places. Content in VR covers a wide range that includes location-based, sporting/live events, social networking, games, entertainment, enterprise, healthcare, and education. When creating new applications for VR technology, developers can choose from specific platforms with different tools and…
2016 is the year of virtual reality, during which VR and AR devices will grow in commonplace across the globe.. Grove Jones created a “checklist” of all VR devices currently on the market, some very well known, and others not as common. Nearly all of these headsets are both Apple and Android compatible, with only two VR devices only accepting…
People think of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality as a new, exciting, innovative technology, so new that most people don’t know much about the industry or what its future may hold. However it is projected that by 2020, the VR/AR industry will be worth $150 billion. Gaming is expected to be a major player in the Virtual Reality industry; however…
Advertising and marketing professionals looking to associate their brand with the excitement and promise of new technologies are going to want to take note of a comprehensive Virtual Reality Consumer Sentiment Survey of over 2,000 consumers that was recently conducted by Touchstone Research and Greenlight VR. When those who had experienced virtual reality (22% of the sample) were asked to…
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, November 11th, 2015 – Virtual reality has been somewhat of an intriguing fantasy for a while now; and while the technology has been available for a number of years, it’s only recently that big strides are being made in virtual reality. These technological advances seem to have overcome the problems that have for so long held VR…
Tech Savvy Researcher – VR Insights Edition Long gone are the days of the familiar click as you changed the slide in your shiny red View-Master, exploring the 3D worlds of your favorite book, movie, or place. With ever expanding and changing technology, the View-Master’s once futuristic and innovative design is now just an outdated toy, or is it? View-Masters…
“Now victory may be produced for your army from the tactics used by the enemy.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War China, the Middle Kingdom. Home of Sun Tzu and his war strategies; Confucius and his many proverbs (he who stand on toilet, high on pot is not one of them). Long have we wondered over our grandiose, enigmatic neighbor…