Tag: Virtual Reality

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality: Coming to a Theme Park Near You

    Infographic – Virtual Reality: Coming to a Theme Park Near You

    This summer, entertainment in Virtual Reality is being taken to the next level with its incorporation into rollercoasters and arcades across the globe. The United States is leading this trend compared to the other countries currently working to bring VR to theme parks, with 14 separate locations that have a VR rollercoaster or arcade experience.…

  • The Console Wars Enter Virtual Reality at E3 2016

    The Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, is a huge conference in the world of gaming with developers from all over coming to debut their plans for the coming future. Everything from new games, changes to existing games, new platforms, and more are announced and gamers the world over tune in to get a piece of…

  • Infographic – Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

    Infographic – Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

    Virtual Reality is projected to be a $30 billion industry by 2020; Augmented Reality, on the other hand, is expected to reach $90 billion in revenue. These new technologies are similar, but people may be wondering about why AR has such a larger project revenue. This gap is largely attributed to AR’s use in everyday life—with…

  • Infographic – Choosing VR/AR Headsets

    Infographic – Choosing VR/AR Headsets

    Currently, there are a handful of VR devices on the market and only a few AR devices. Before taking the leap and purchasing one of these headsets, one has to consider the reason for purchase. Virtual Reality devices take the user into a new artificial environment where their new reality is completely simulated. At this…

  • The 6 Companies Who Are Working to Bring Sports to a VR Headset Near You

    No one can deny the global popularity of sports; whatever nation you find yourself in is guaranteed to have teams competing in some sport and fans who will consistently tune in to watch them. Virtual Reality has been making a lot of waves with all the recent developments it’s seen; but what your average consumer…

  • Infographic: How VR and AR Will Change the Way We Shop

    Infographic: How VR and AR Will Change the Way We Shop

    Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have altered the landscape of several industries including: the military, medicine, entertainment, education, and more. Brands such as Land Rover, Boeing, Tommy Hilfiger, The North Face, Lego, and more, are capitalizing on this and have incorporated VR and AR into their business. 66% of consumers say they are interested in…

  • The Top 10 Companies Working on Education in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

    The Top 10 Companies Working on Education in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

    List updated on 9/16/2016 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are new technologies which have been making all kinds of waves recently; but VR and AR are not only going to be used for gaming, several companies are exploring applications for VR and AR to be used in education. Around 90% of what we see and do…

  • Infographic: History of Augmented Reality

    Infographic: History of Augmented Reality

    Though there has not been much discussion of Augmented Reality until recently, AR has actually been around since 1968; which is when the first head-mounted display was developed. Since then, advances in technology have allowed AR to be implemented in a variety of industries; such as the Air Force in 1992, which allowed military personnel…

  • Minecraft VR: Building the Bridge to Success in VR Gaming

    Minecraft VR: Building the Bridge to Success in VR Gaming

    April 27th 2016 was a big day for VR gaming, because that’s the day that Minecraft became available on the Samsung Gear VR. Minecraft is the first major household known game to be available for VR gaming, and it’s a major game in every sense of the word. Minecraft is the game where players are…

  • All About the Samsung Gear VR

    All About the Samsung Gear VR

    The Samsung Gear VR made its debut in the fall of 2015 and has been making waves ever since. This device is compatible with newer versions of the Samsung Galaxy smartphones. Technology incorporated into this devices offers a wide field of view (96 degrees) and minimizes motion sickness at the same time with its use…