Tag: Virtual Reality

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality in the Classroom

    Infographic – Virtual Reality in the Classroom

    Virtual Reality can be used in a variety of industries, including tourism, retail, military, and education. Though it may seem that VR would naturally fit into a technology class, it may actually be a better fit in history and science classes. Implementing VR into the classroom can allow students to visit places that they would…

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality in the Classroom

    Infographic – Virtual Reality in the Classroom

    Virtual Reality can be used in a variety of industries, including tourism, retail, military, and education. Though it may seem that VR would naturally fit into a technology class, it may actually be a better fit in history and science classes. Implementing VR into the classroom can allow students to visit places that they would…

  • Youth marketing: 12 Companies Working on AR Technology for Kids

    Youth marketing: 12 Companies Working on AR Technology for Kids

    Kids are always interested in the latest and greatest thing, that’s why they are often the early adopters of new technology. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have seen a lot of development recently, and several companies are wisely looking into ways to utilize this technology in a way that’s appealing to kids. What a lot…

  • Infographic: New Realities: VR, AR & MR

    Infographic: New Realities: VR, AR & MR

    As technology continues to advance, more variations of Virtual Reality will continue to arise. Mixed Reality, for one, combines Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Though these “new realities” are very similar, there are also very significant differences between them. In using Virtual Reality, a headset or smart glasses are required. This headset immerses the user…

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality and Disaster Relief Training

    Infographic – Virtual Reality and Disaster Relief Training

    It is now known that Virtual Reality is relevant and useful in a variety of industries outside of just entertainment and aids greatly in job training. The Department of Homeland Security is currently looking into implementing Virtual Reality training as an alternative to real-life drills and tabletop exercises for disaster relief training. Training for these…

  • All About Virtual Reality

    All About Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality is a completely artificial 3D environment that fully immerses the user.  VR has made strides not only in the entertainment industry, but in education, health care, real estate, eCommerce, tourism, military, law enforcement, and advertising as well. There are many advantages to using Virtual Reality in the business realm. It personalizes customer engagement,…

  • Infographic: Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

    With both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality growing in popularity, it is important to understand the difference between the two. Augmented Reality blends virtual reality with real life, putting virtual items into real worlds. AR consists of 25% virtual and 75% real environments, making it only partially immersive. Users are able to still be in…

  • Infographic: Oculus Rift

    Infographic: Oculus Rift

    The Oculus Rift is one of many Virtual Reality devices currently on the market, and with the wide variety of VR devices on the market, it may be difficult to see the differences and decide which is the best fit for you. With its wide field of view, the Oculus Rift immerses users into an…

  • VR Drone Racing: The Next Frontier in Competitive Racing

    By now I’m sure you’ve probably heard of, or seen, people flying drones around for various reasons. Some people use them to get unique perspectives for videos, some fly them for fun, even amazon is starting to use them for deliveries; but the coolest use for them by far is in racing them using Virtual…