Tag: Virtual Reality

  • Virtually Seamless: How to Conduct Remote In-Headset VR Usability Research

    Virtually Seamless: How to Conduct Remote In-Headset VR Usability Research

    As the VR landscape continues to widen for both functional and recreational use cases, understanding user experience in VR is growing increasingly vital. Using a VR headset, while becoming more widespread, is still a new experience for many consumers, making first impressions and experiences critical in determining user trajectory for VR apps and devices. The…

  • Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality has breathed new life into marketing opportunities. At a time when it’s harder than ever to capture users’ attention, VR gives brands the ability to create truly immersive experiences. It’s no wonder that VR has been named one of the top trends that will affect digital marketing in 2017 with over 90 million…

  • Infographic – The Rise of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses

    Infographic – The Rise of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses

    Augmented Reality is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, AR uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it. Google Glass is a well-known example of Augmented Reality smart glasses – aside from these, there are currently…

  • Infographic: Milestones in Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Milestones in Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality may seem like a modern phenomenon, however, the origins of VR can date back to as early as the 19th century, nearly 180 years ago. The Stereoscope in 1838 was technically the first device to essentially pioneer 3D by having the viewer look through a lens with two of the same image and…

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality Surging Into the Classroom

    Infographic – Virtual Reality Surging Into the Classroom

    Virtual Reality is being used in classrooms now more than ever. One quarter of the schools are already using VR, and this number is continuing to grow. While most teachers are aware of VR, over three quarters of teachers have never used it in a school environment before and many agree that VR would definitely be…

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality Trending in 2017

    Infographic – Virtual Reality Trending in 2017

    2017 is expected to be a turning point for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. The PlayStation VR, as well as a variety of other VR devices, made their debut last year and since, have given consumers insight as to all that VR has to offer. As of 2016, one third of consumers found the concept…

  • Infographic: Opportunities for Brands with Immersive Technologies

    Infographic: Opportunities for Brands with Immersive Technologies

    Immersive technology refers to technology that blurs the line between the physical world and the digital or simulated world, thereby creating a sense of immersion. This includes using hardware to simulate one or more of the five senses to create perceptually-real sensations. (I.e. From using VR headsets for visuals to implementing artificial smells and tastes.)…

  • Infographic – The Future of VR and Marketing

    Infographic – The Future of VR and Marketing

    While VR devices have been around since the 1990s, it wasn’t until 2012 when the Oculus Rift was introduced was when the potentials of VR came to the forefront. Since then, the technology has grown more present across a variety of industries and will continue to do so. Virtual Reality has a bright future specifically…

  • Infographic – The Reality of Virtual Reality

    Infographic – The Reality of Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality is expected to be a $25 billion industry by 2021. The VR industry is primarily comprised of gaming and hardware, but is also prevalent in film, theme parks, and niche markets, as well. VR has been breaking barriers across a wide variety of industries, including news, advertising, real estate, customer service, space training,…

  • Infographic: Immersive Learning in Corporate Training

    Infographic: Immersive Learning in Corporate Training

    In the late 1800’s, Herman Ebbingaus developed the Forgetting Curve Concept, which states that a person forgets 90% of training course content after one month. Learning can be harder than ever today, whether it is in a classroom setting, taking online classes, or even training in the workplace. Employees report that they can only dedicate…