Tag: TV

  • All About Virtual Reality

    All About Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality is a completely artificial 3D environment that fully immerses the user.  VR has made strides not only in the entertainment industry, but in education, health care, real estate, eCommerce, tourism, military, law enforcement, and advertising as well. There are many advantages to using Virtual Reality in the business realm. It personalizes customer engagement,…

  • Infographic:  Consumer Awareness of VR

    Infographic: Consumer Awareness of VR

    New VR devices are being released more often now than ever from widely known companies including Google, Samsung, Mattel, and more. Despite the recent surge in VR devices, nearly 60% of people are still not aware of Virtual Reality and only 8% of people have tried Virtual Reality. The majority of those who are aware of…

  • Infographic: Is Virtual Reality the Next Big Thing in Sports?

    Infographic: Is Virtual Reality the Next Big Thing in Sports?

    Media consumption is ever-changing. The introduction of the radio in the 1920s was the first big step in making it possible to know what is going on at a sporting event in real-time without actually having to be there. With today’s Virtual Reality, it is possible to be at the game, without actually having to…

  • Tech-Savvy Researcher Feature – Google’s New Chromecast is Bringing Mobile Home

    Tech-Savvy Researcher Feature – Google’s New Chromecast is Bringing Mobile Home

    Maybe I’m old school, but I’ve always been suspect of watching internet video on my phone. Doesn’t mean I don’t do it, but there’s always a latent uneasiness, like I’m selling myself short but there’s no other option. I still laugh at the dancing dog youtube video a friend texted, still well-up at the facebook…