Tag: Parents

  • Touchstone Research Expands Youth & Family Qualitative Services to National Level

    Touchstone Research, Inc. is celebrating a significant expansion of its Youth & Family qualitative in-person and online services to cover key geographic regions across the United States.  Touchstone has been recruiting and managing Kids and Families qualitative research projects for over 20 years, specializing in preschoolers, kids, tweens, teens, young adults, millennials and parents for…

  • Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    VR has been around for many years but, disappointingly, has failed to live up to its own expectations.  With new groundbreaking, non-nausea-inducing devices and amazing immersive software starting to be developed, VR’s moment for consumer products may finally have arrived.  Major VR companies are preparing to launch VR headsets that make VR real for the…

  • Young adults, parents and social media

    Here is a study we conducted with Nickelodeon and Insight Research Group that was featured in Nickeldeon’s Kaleidoscope in Kidscreen™ magazine. The topic of this study was “Young adults, Parents, and Social Media”. In last month’s Kaleidoscope, we explored social media and the role it plays in kids’ and teens’ lives. After coming away with…