Tag: virtual shopping

  • Infographic – The Shopping Journey in VR

    Infographic – The Shopping Journey in VR

    Virtual reality has already changed the way people play games, watch movies, and now can alter the way people shop. People can easily discover and shop for new products and services right on a VR device. Shopping through VR enhances the consumer experience and keeps them better informed, by allowing users to easily compare features…

  • Infographic: The Future of Retail in Virtual Reality (VR)

    Infographic: The Future of Retail in Virtual Reality (VR)

    Augmented Reality alters what a person is seeing in that exact moment. Retail locations are considering implementing AR into various brick and mortar stores in the form of a virtual fitting room or a “Magic Mirror.” Beauty retailer, Sephora, is testing this Magic Mirror in select European locations. Make-up colors and shades can easily be…