Tag: Samsung VR

  • 360 View of Virtual Reality

    360 View of Virtual Reality

    Virtual reality has been all around us since the first panoramic paintings in 12th Century China. Today we can see it used in virtual and augmented reality apps like Pokémon Go, which allows players to catch digital monsters in real settings. According to this infographic created by Couponbox.com, we have a lot of innovative and…

  • Samsung Gear VR: Unboxing and Initial Impressions

    Samsung Gear VR: Unboxing and Initial Impressions

    December 30th 2015, the day had finally arrived; I had just received a Samsung Galaxy S6 for Christmas; one of four phones compatible with the Samsung Gear, the other three phones being: Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 edge, and Galaxy S6 edge+. Eager to try out this new and exciting technology the first thing I…

  • Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    VR has been around for many years but, disappointingly, has failed to live up to its own expectations.  With new groundbreaking, non-nausea-inducing devices and amazing immersive software starting to be developed, VR’s moment for consumer products may finally have arrived.  Major VR companies are preparing to launch VR headsets that make VR real for the…