Tag: iPad
Youth marketing: 12 Companies Working on AR Technology for Kids
Kids are always interested in the latest and greatest thing, that’s why they are often the early adopters of new technology. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have seen a lot of development recently, and several companies are wisely looking into ways to utilize this technology in a way that’s appealing to kids. What a lot…
iGrow: The Youthful Pioneers of the Tablet Generation
Not since Charlton Heston came down from the mountain with his infamous biblical two have tablets been so popular. But interestingly enough, a significant portion of that popularity is owed to a demographic that would not get that reference – kids. Kids are as passionate about their tablet devices as any of their grown-up counterparts.…
The NGMR Top-5-Hot vs. Top-5-Not: Touchstone Research
@tstoneresearch @theburchyburch Today, we have been asked to participate in a top secret Next Gen Market Research collaboration project! What 5 things will continue to be ‘Hot’ and what 5 things will not in regard to Market Research in the next few years? With rapid change and advancements in technology and tremendous growth of…
The iPad’s Role in the Future of Marketing Research (Part 2)
The Pro’s & Con’s of using the iPad as a Field Research Device Travis Santa (@TravisSanta1) & Aaron Burch (@theburchyburch) There has been a lot of hype about the iPad and how it can be used by market researchers. We have laid out some positive and negative aspects of the tablet that you should know…
The iPad’s Role in the Future of Marketing Research (Part 1)
The iPad and the Decline of the Paper Survey Travis Santa (@TravisSanta1) The marketing research industry has been waiting for a device like the iPad to put an end to the paper survey in face-to-face quantitative field research. Researchers have long bemoaned the paper survey for the amount of time and energy it takes to…