Tag: intel

  • Infographic: Behind the Screens of VR

    Infographic: Behind the Screens of VR

    Virtual Reality is a rapidly growing industry, currently dominated by companies including Samsung, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, HTC, and Sony. Each of these companies has a VR or AR device currently on the market, all ranging in cost. It is estimated that by 2020, 52 million head-mounted devices will be used in the US. These VR…

  • Infographic: The VR Industry Landscape

    Infographic: The VR Industry Landscape

    Many companies are working on innovations in Virtual Reality; and these companies are all attempting to make strides in very different and exciting places. Content in VR covers a wide range that includes location-based, sporting/live events, social networking, games, entertainment, enterprise, healthcare, and education. When creating new applications for VR technology, developers can choose from…