Tag: ikea

  • Infographic – The Future of VR and Marketing

    Infographic – The Future of VR and Marketing

    While VR devices have been around since the 1990s, it wasn’t until 2012 when the Oculus Rift was introduced was when the potentials of VR came to the forefront. Since then, the technology has grown more present across a variety of industries and will continue to do so. Virtual Reality has a bright future specifically…

  • Infographic: How VR and AR Will Change the Way We Shop

    Infographic: How VR and AR Will Change the Way We Shop

    Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have altered the landscape of several industries including: the military, medicine, entertainment, education, and more. Brands such as Land Rover, Boeing, Tommy Hilfiger, The North Face, Lego, and more, are capitalizing on this and have incorporated VR and AR into their business. 66% of consumers say they are interested in…