Tag: developers

  • Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality has breathed new life into marketing opportunities. At a time when it’s harder than ever to capture users’ attention, VR gives brands the ability to create truly immersive experiences. It’s no wonder that VR has been named one of the top trends that will affect digital marketing in 2017 with over 90 million…

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality Trending in 2017

    Infographic – Virtual Reality Trending in 2017

    2017 is expected to be a turning point for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. The PlayStation VR, as well as a variety of other VR devices, made their debut last year and since, have given consumers insight as to all that VR has to offer. As of 2016, one third of consumers found the concept…

  • Infographic: Growing World of VR and AR

    Infographic: Growing World of VR and AR

    Virtual Reality entered the marketplace for consumers in 2013 with the launch of the Oculus Rift Development Kit. 2016 brought consumers a variety of new VR devices, including the HTC Vive and Sony’s PlayStation VR. Based on the demand the VR market has been seeing over the years, it is expected to grow by the…