Tag: Adventure

  • Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Leverage Marketing Strategies through Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality has breathed new life into marketing opportunities. At a time when it’s harder than ever to capture users’ attention, VR gives brands the ability to create truly immersive experiences. It’s no wonder that VR has been named one of the top trends that will affect digital marketing in 2017 with over 90 million…

  • Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    Infographic – The New Reality of Virtual Reality (VR) and the Potential with Youth

    VR has been around for many years but, disappointingly, has failed to live up to its own expectations.  With new groundbreaking, non-nausea-inducing devices and amazing immersive software starting to be developed, VR’s moment for consumer products may finally have arrived.  Major VR companies are preparing to launch VR headsets that make VR real for the…