Tag: wearable

  • Infographic – Virtual Reality: Coming to a Theme Park Near You

    Infographic – Virtual Reality: Coming to a Theme Park Near You

    This summer, entertainment in Virtual Reality is being taken to the next level with its incorporation into rollercoasters and arcades across the globe. The United States is leading this trend compared to the other countries currently working to bring VR to theme parks, with 14 separate locations that have a VR rollercoaster or arcade experience.…

  • Infographic – Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

    Infographic – Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

    Virtual Reality is projected to be a $30 billion industry by 2020; Augmented Reality, on the other hand, is expected to reach $90 billion in revenue. These new technologies are similar, but people may be wondering about why AR has such a larger project revenue. This gap is largely attributed to AR’s use in everyday life—with…

  • Infographic: History of Augmented Reality

    Infographic: History of Augmented Reality

    Though there has not been much discussion of Augmented Reality until recently, AR has actually been around since 1968; which is when the first head-mounted display was developed. Since then, advances in technology have allowed AR to be implemented in a variety of industries; such as the Air Force in 1992, which allowed military personnel…