Tag: mixed reality

  • Infographic – VR in the Enterprise

    Infographic – VR in the Enterprise

    Virtual Reality is a technology that immerses its users in a computer-generated 3D environment. Today, there are many other devices and technologies available that offer similar user experiences. Augmented Reality, for one, uses a wearable device to provide contextual information based on the user’s space at that moment. Mixed Reality overlays digital items to objects…

  • Infographic: New Realities: VR, AR & MR

    Infographic: New Realities: VR, AR & MR

    As technology continues to advance, more variations of Virtual Reality will continue to arise. Mixed Reality, for one, combines Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Though these “new realities” are very similar, there are also very significant differences between them. In using Virtual Reality, a headset or smart glasses are required. This headset immerses the user…

  • All About Virtual Reality

    All About Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality is a completely artificial 3D environment that fully immerses the user.  VR has made strides not only in the entertainment industry, but in education, health care, real estate, eCommerce, tourism, military, law enforcement, and advertising as well. There are many advantages to using Virtual Reality in the business realm. It personalizes customer engagement,…

  • Infographic – The History and Future of Augmented Reality

    Infographic – The History and Future of Augmented Reality

    Unlike Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality does not immerse its user into a new environment; it enhances one’s reality by overlaying digital information onto things being viewed on a digital device. Though AR is rising in popularity in 2016, variations of it have been around since 1957 with Mortin Helig’s Sensorama machine as one such example.…

  • Infographic – Choosing VR/AR Headsets

    Infographic – Choosing VR/AR Headsets

    Currently, there are a handful of VR devices on the market and only a few AR devices. Before taking the leap and purchasing one of these headsets, one has to consider the reason for purchase. Virtual Reality devices take the user into a new artificial environment where their new reality is completely simulated. At this…