Tag: Linkedin

  • Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: Tencent – The Chinese Social Networking Giant

    Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: Tencent – The Chinese Social Networking Giant

    “Now victory may be produced for your army from the tactics used by the enemy.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War China, the Middle Kingdom. Home of Sun Tzu and his war strategies; Confucius and his many proverbs (he who stand on toilet, high on pot is not one of them). Long have we wondered…

  • Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: A Web All Our Own

    Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: A Web All Our Own

    Instagram and Pinterest Assist in Curating our Digital Selves “We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we’re going to live on the internet!” proclaims an overly enthusiastic, proficiently drugged-up Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker in the zeitgeist mega-production The Social Network. I found the sentiment quite poignant, didn’t you? But we…