Tag: consumer engagement

  • AR’s Impact on Online Shopping

    AR’s Impact on Online Shopping

    In the last year, American consumers returned $360 billion worth of merchandise that was purchased online. Nearly a quarter of consumers returned these items for looking different in person than it looked online. With the help of Augmented Reality, this high return rate is expected to decrease. 61% of shoppers prefer to shop at stores…

  • Infographic: Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

    Infographic: Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

    With both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality growing in popularity, it is important to understand the difference between the two. Augmented Reality blends virtual reality with real life, putting virtual items into real worlds. AR consists of 25% virtual and 75% real environments, making it only partially immersive. Users are able to still be in…

  • Infographic – The Shopping Journey in VR

    Infographic – The Shopping Journey in VR

    Virtual reality has already changed the way people play games, watch movies, and now can alter the way people shop. People can easily discover and shop for new products and services right on a VR device. Shopping through VR enhances the consumer experience and keeps them better informed, by allowing users to easily compare features…