Tag: Second Screen

  • Second Screen Apps, Vine, & Twitter

    This Week in Social Tech: Second Screen Apps Lack Luster, Vine Swinging to the Top of the App Store, and Twitter Tackles Trending Tunes The age of the argument is over. Gone are the days when pseudo-intellectual debates at the bar or coffee shop escalate to fisticuffs. Long before it comes to blows, we whip…

  • Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: The Rise of Social TV

    Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: The Rise of Social TV

    Merging our Media-Tech world to see it “through the eyes of our friends” Ready Player One by Ernest Cline was the last great book recommendation I got. This is a nostalgia shot, people, because that sentiment is a double-whammy two-for of things that just don’t happen anymore: paper-page book reading, and getting recommendations directly from…

  • Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: The “Second Screen” and the expansion of mobile networking

    “OMG Walking Dead!” Yes, that was the most common post in my Facebook Newsfeed during the last airing of the hit AMC show. The hit show that I’ve never watched. But maybe now I will – a 500-friend recommendation is not too shabby. But the focus in a report recently put out by Nielsen on…