Introducing Shots of Me, the New Selfie-Sharing App Backed by Justin Bieber

By Mobile, Social Media, Teen Market Research, Young Adults No Comments

Every so often, a cultural trend becomes a phenomenon. Malcolm Gladwell called it the tipping point. General nostalgia classically refers to it as the zeitgeist. And, alas, surely as Chuck Taylors compliment skinny jeans, sometimes these phenomena meet, the wake of which leaves us in a changed world. Enter Shots of Me, the spanking new Bieber-backed, feature-packed – that’s right…

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Smart Phones, Smart Teens – App Downloads Rising Along with Awareness of Privacy Concerns

By Mobile, Social Media, Teen Market Research No Comments

I Kissed a Girl! That was easy. I just put together a few pictures and I have the answer to my latest trivia challenge on 4 Pics 1 Song, the number 1 downloaded free app in the App Store. The admirable runner up is Amateur Surgeon. Yes, it’s exactly like it sounds, and more – the first line of the…

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Tech-Savvy Researcher Feature – Google’s New Chromecast is Bringing Mobile Home

By Mobile, Technology No Comments

Maybe I’m old school, but I’ve always been suspect of watching internet video on my phone. Doesn’t mean I don’t do it, but there’s always a latent uneasiness, like I’m selling myself short but there’s no other option. I still laugh at the dancing dog youtube video a friend texted, still well-up at the facebook videos of my baby nephew…

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Tech Savvy Kids Talk About Space Exploration Interest in Apollo 11 App

By infographic, Kids and Family, Kids Market Research No Comments

NEW YORK, August 5, 2013 /Touchstone Research/ – Kids today labor under the stereotype that they are preoccupied with video and online gaming, mired in digital routines to the exclusion of real-world exploration and imagination. A recent study by Kid Bunch and Touchstone Research, Inc. however, shows that today’s youngsters still dream of exploring the great beyond and learning about…

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Facebook is Working for You: Advertiser Edition

By Marketing Research, Social Media No Comments

Social Media Giant unveils “Lookalike Audiences” feature It’s been a helluva ride for facebook. Born of the lavish catacombs of a Harvard dormitory at the dawn of social networking, gradually surpassing former royals like Friendster and Myspace (now archaic drifters, subsisting on social gaming and music, respectively), it has been a long road to prominence. Giving rise to so many…

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Tech-Savvy Researcher Feature – All Teens Online, One in Four Go Mobile-Only

By Marketing Research, Mobile, Online Community Panel, Teen Market Research No Comments

It’s hard to forget the cacophonous bleeps, fuzz and buzz of our modem logging onto AOL in our pre-teen years. An exciting, confusing time when popular use of the internet was dawning, but so frustrating was that noisy wait to discover whether or not we had mail. There are few things we could hate so much as a kid but…

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Pheed Me: Teens, Innovation and Monetization Fuel Success of Latest Social Media App

By Mobile, Social Media, Teen Market Research No Comments

Influence is a funny thing. One never can tell just who will sway them to try the latest shoe style, iphone case, or say, social media app. There is an easy answer of course: celebrities. Who doesn’t want to rock the same styles as their favorite pop artist or movie star. But the time may be coming for celebrity influence,…

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Tech Savvy Researcher Feature: The Rise of Social TV

By Marketing Research, Social Media No Comments

Merging our Media-Tech world to see it “through the eyes of our friends” Ready Player One by Ernest Cline was the last great book recommendation I got. This is a nostalgia shot, people, because that sentiment is a double-whammy two-for of things that just don’t happen anymore: paper-page book reading, and getting recommendations directly from another person. Now, don’t get…

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