
social networking

Infographic – Why You’ll Be Wearing Your Next Computer

By AR Infographic, Touchstone VR, VR Infographic No Comments

Virtual Reality is projected to be a $30 billion industry by 2020; Augmented Reality, on the other hand, is expected to reach $90 billion in revenue. These new technologies are similar, but people may be wondering about why AR has such a larger project revenue. This gap is largely attributed to AR’s use in everyday life—with the use of a smartphone,…

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Infographic: The VR Industry Landscape

By Touchstone VR, VR Infographic No Comments

Many companies are working on innovations in Virtual Reality; and these companies are all attempting to make strides in very different and exciting places. Content in VR covers a wide range that includes location-based, sporting/live events, social networking, games, entertainment, enterprise, healthcare, and education. When creating new applications for VR technology, developers can choose from specific platforms with different tools and…

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Infographic – What’s Driving Virtual Reality?

By Touchstone VR, VR Infographic No Comments

Though virtual reality has been around for some time, it is just beginning to take the technology industry by storm. What was a $100 million industry just two years ago is projected to grow to $5.2 billion by 2018. This spike in recent growth can be attributed to the strides technology has made recently: lightweight, high resolution cellphones and motion…

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